It’s a little intimidating to think about landing a job right now, let alone your dream job. With COVID-19, hiring freezes are happening all over the place, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get the job of your dreams. While the current climate is rocky and uncertain, there are also several industries that are thriving and need more team members yesterday! So before you go into your next interview or apply for the next position, practice these skills. They’ll help you create an innate magnetism to land your dream job.
Envision Yourself In Your Dream Job Daily
What does your dream job look like? How are you dressed? What kind of people are you working with? What kind of culture are you part of, and how are you making a difference there? What kind of conversations are you having with your coworkers?
These are the kinds of questions you need to ask yourself to walk into an interview embodying that position. When your energy is a match for the position, the company, the culture, and your ambition, you create an undeniable presence that stands out. It makes you unforgettable because you’re more easily seen as someone who fits the company instead of someone who can be squeezed into it.
Believe in Yourself & Your Skills
There’s an important balance in any business between leadership and the teams that turn the company’s vision into reality. A company that is hiring has a need, and the only way that need gets met is by hiring someone who can fulfill that role. When they’re interviewing you, they’re not looking for reasons to turn you away. They’re looking for reasons to stop their search. That’s why it’s so important for you to believe in yourself and what you bring to the table.
Confidence goes a long way when you’re communicating. People who have confidence in themselves and their skills believe that they can make a difference. That’s what companies are looking for—applicants with the skills, beliefs, and an aptitude for making a difference. Remind yourself of what you’ve accomplished and overcome so far in your life and career. If you’re applying for a position that you don’t have experience in, look at your transferable skills. Tenacity, communication, drive, ambition, and a willingness to learn go a long way, and if you can buy into being the right person for the company, it’s easier for them to buy into that vision too.
All of Your Successes Matter
If you’ve ever seen Shark Tank, you know that the sharks will often invest in a company that has a promising founder, even if the sales numbers are scary. The reason why is because they understand an emotionally motivated and tenacious person will learn whatever skills they need to in order to succeed, despite inexperience. Recruiters understand this too.
When you’re in an interview, be just as proud of your personal successes as your professional ones. Communicate them with confidence and conviction. Connect those experiences to how they will help you show up for the company in the role they’re hiring for. By being proud of what you’ve accomplished and understanding how attaining those goals affect future success, you can recruit your interviewer into your vision. Once they see you as part of the company and believe you would be an asset, you set yourself apart from the other applicants.
Show You’re Hungry
There’s a difference between having ambition and being a people pleaser. Companies want to hire employees that are eager, not desperate. Hungry people learn, grow, and get creative. Starving people struggle, fight, and react instead of taking the lead. To be clear, it’s okay to need a job. But if you want to be thought of as someone who is a great fit for your dream job, you have to understand and represent your worth.
A company is hiring you because they need you. Without you, they don’t function as well. They can’t fulfill their mission without filling that position with the right person. So show them that you’re the right fit for them. This relationship works both ways. You can be willing to work hard and give them your best, but you need the company to do the same for you. By respecting yourself, you will receive the respect you deserve from them, which makes all of the difference when going after your dream job. Be willing to learn and give your strongest effort.
The post 4 Unexpected Things You Need To Land Your Dream Job appeared first on The Good Men Project.