Success in any meaningful life endeavor usually does not come easy. Rather, it must be earned incrementally, step by step.
Success almost never occurs immediately in a vacuum, out-of-the-blue, like winning the jackpot in the lottery. Moreover, if success does come too easily then it is often fleeting.
That’s why having and implementing a solid career success plan — one based on proven results — is key to climbing the job ladder quickly.
This is Part 3 of the series, My 10-Point Career Success Plan. The steps outlined in this plan are based on my life experiences which helped me to achieve big goals at a young age.
And, while my plan can be effective for people of any age, I believe it is ripe for young people (Gen Z) embarking on their career journeys. Nevertheless, no one is too young or too old to obtain their dream job with the right plan of action. Success in anything starts with a state of mind.
Career success is earned in small steps which are leveraged through ongoing advancement that compounds into bigger results until reaching your ultimate goal.
As Saint Francis of Assisi said, “Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.”
Sometimes success happens sooner rather than later, especially if you are blessed with good luck and timing — two huge intangibles — to complement your hard work and perseverance.
Career Roadmap for Gen Z to Land Their Dream Jobs (Part 1)
Follow my 10-Point Plan for professional success at a young age…
Recap of Parts 1 and 2
With that in mind, I hope these recommendations are helpful in your career journey. I hope the plan outlined here works well for you, as it did for me, to make your dream jobs into reality.
Here’s a brief recap of Parts 1 and 2 of this series:
- Point #1 — Define Your Vision: First, you must have a dream and vision of success. Be bold and think big. Just make sure to be specific. Ask yourself a few key questions: What am I really good at? What do I love doing? What innate skills or God-given talents do I have?
- Point #2 — Build Bridges: Obtaining academic knowledge and professional skills are needed to successfully position yourself in a competitive marketplace. And finding good mentors to help you is also of critical importance.
- Point #3 — Dare to Think Big: An important part of my career advice to young people is this: Don’t be afraid to think big and follow your dreams, wherever they may lead. Dare yourself to take risks in order to plant the seeds which will blossom into your dream job(s).
- Point #4 — Leverage “The Four Pillars of Success”: Perseverance, positivity, personality and politeness — I also call this point, The Four P’s. They all go a long way toward achieving success of any kind in life. Remember that perseverance pays dividends.
If you face initial roadblocks then redouble your efforts, revise your strategy, and continue moving forward.
10 Steps for Gen Z Career Success (Part 2)
Points 2-4: Build Bridges, Think Big, and Leverage the Four Pillars
Point #5 — Network, Network, Network
No, that’s not a typo…
Rather it’s analogous to that old saying in real estate: location, location, location. The same applies to career advancement in general and networking in particular.
It’s not only important to work harder and smarter with new technology, but also to nurture key professional relationships through networking online AND in-person.
These VIP relationships can help pave the way toward career success. My advice: be fearless, relentless and tireless when networking. Knock on every appropriate door. Leave no proverbial stone unturned. This means reaching out to influencers, executives and experts in your industry.
You’ve probably heard the saying: “It’s not what you know, but who you know.” I would add this caveat per political commentator and author, Chris Matthews, in his book “Hard Ball” (about getting ahead in the cut-throat world of Washington politics):
“It’s not only who you know, but who you get to know well.”
Ask yourself these questions about VIP contacts in your network:
- Who will go to bat for you when needed?
- Who will provide a good recommendation?
- Who will put you in touch with the right contacts?
- Who will come through for you when it’s all on the line?
Concrete results are the true test of networking. You may know a lot of people, but what good is that if your VIP contacts ignore you when needed most?
Networking Online AND Offline
Today’s job seekers are fortunate to have a plethora of digital and social media networking tools at their fingertips. And while this certainly makes the networking process easier, it should not supersede it by serving as a safety blanket.
Although social media networking is a great start, it’s also important to meet your connections in person — yes, face to face!
This direct personal interaction solidifies relationships and makes you stand out in a crowd of job seekers who only communicate online — because, let’s face it, most young people today are more eager to text than talk. They would rather communicate on the latest and greatest social media app than meet in person.
Remember this: Career networking involves more than social media outreach alone. That’s just one tool to jump start the process. But it can’t replace the human element, nothing can replace it.
Thus, try meeting those in your professional network for breakfast, lunch or coffee. You can also just stop by their office to say hello. If geography is problematic, then you have no choice but to interact virtually.
If you really can’t meet face-to-face, for whatever reason, then at least try FaceTime or something similar. Put a face to the case, as I like to say.
- Buy what if meeting in person is not possible in the short term despite close logistical proximity?
Then send your VIP contacts periodic emails, cards or handwritten letters (yes, old school but effective). Your connections will likely be impressed by your persistent efforts. Then try to meet in person at a later date when convenient for them.
Remember that your VIP contacts are super busy, of course, so always be patient and polite when reaching out. There’s a fine line between persisting and pestering.
6) Reject the Naysayers
The bigger your dream, the more likely that people will tell you it’s out of reach, if not impossible (albeit, in their limited negative view). Others may try to convince you to enter a different profession or pursue another career path.
I recall many people telling me at various times that I had no chance of reaching my dream job at a young age. You working in Congress? You working in the White House? Why would they want you?
For example, when I aspired to work for the Office of the House Majority Leader of Congress in the iconic U.S. Capitol building, I had no direct contacts to the congressman or his staff. I was not from his home state of St. Louis. Neither my family nor I were donors. We weren’t even involved in politics at the national party level.
Ditto that before I worked for the presidential campaign of Arkansas Gov. Bill Clinton, then an obscure longshot candidate. I wasn’t from Arkansas and had never even visited. I had no connections to the state or the governor whatsoever.
So, what chance did I have to reach these lofty goals as a young political neophyte? (early 20s)
All good reasons to give up before even trying. However, sometimes longshots come in for smart and savvy risk takers. So why not for you?
Yes, some detractors will trample on your dreams and laugh in your face. But don’t let them rattle you, because it only really matters what YOU think. Thus, trust your gut instincts and intuition. Then go for it!
Don’t let the negativity of others steer you off course. Rather, believe in yourself, believe in your dreams, and stick to the plan. Be positive and persistent. And don’t give up!
Remember this timeless wisdom:
“For all sad words of tongue and pen, the saddest are these, ‘It might have been’.” — John Greenleaf Whittier
ABOUT ME: I’m a writer for ILLUMINATION-Curated and a consulting editor for Illumination Integrated Publications (More here).
AUTHOR’S NOTE: Please stay tuned for the final installment of this series covering Points 7–10, coming soon. Meanwhile, please consider sharing this series with anyone it could help in your network across platforms.
This post was previously published on medium.com.
From The Good Men Project on Medium
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Photo credit: Katrina Wright on Unsplash
The post Memo to Gen Z: How to Land Your Dream Job in 10 Simple Steps (Part 3) appeared first on The Good Men Project.